Monday, April 12, 2010

Coming along

One of my goals in blogging was to have an arena to share my craft projects with the world. My regular blog reading includes many craft blogs, and although I don't hope to compete, I wanted my small little share. However, I haven't done much crafting to speak of, for many reasons, and so no blogging to go along.

One big obstacle was my old computer. Much of my crafting has its origins in digital form, whether a template or image that I print out, or the entire project in digital graphics. The old computer was not designed to handle graphics. And so it crept along, trying its best, but it was so frustratingly slow that any motivation to do something was quickly dashed.

I came across a blog, Designed2Delight and delightful it is, that is until I had to face the computer. Well that changed a few weeks ago with the purchase of a new computer, and while there are many factors influencing my motivation, slow graphics is no longer a problem.

The e-mail from Delightful Inspiration came only a few days ago. With my schedule, that didn't give me much time to create and get it posted for her deadline. And so I hastily put together something in Photoshop Elements. It's not nearly as creative or inspired as many others, but it is what it is. And for me, at this point, any creation is better than not.

For the record, I've created an ATC in digital form. The background is from Scrap Girls , one of my favorite digital graphics sites.


  1. I would love to learn how to create a digital ATC sometime in the future.....I am going to ask for Paint Shop Pro for my Birthday- love your card and the BG- do you print it out???

  2. Digital ATC's are really easy - it's just really playing w/ the graphics program. I use Photoshop Elements. I'm using version 5 because I've had it for quite a while & it suits my needs. I think it's now up to version 8 or 9. You can get a free trial program on the Adobe web site.

    The reason I chose Adobe is that there are many plug-ins that are suitable for digital ATC's, many free. I've heard very good things about Paint Shop Pro, but never used it. It seems that it's used alot by people who do web graphics.

    I've printed out some of my digital ATC's, but mostly keep them on the computer. If you'd like a higher resolution copy to print out for yourself, e-mail me & I can send it.
