Thursday, May 20, 2010

WIP (work in progress)

I've been away from the craft area and computer for the past several days, so my project for this week's Designed2Delight digital stamps is still unfinished.

Basically the ATC is done, but I need to figure out some sort of binding. What I did this time was print the digi stamp on fabric, and then colored it with crayon, and heat set the color. I put a backing of batting on it, and then free motion embroidered the outline to quilt it. I had outlined the entire card before printing, forgetting that the quilting would pull in the fabric and shrink the card. So you can see the original lines. This will be covered by the binding.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

with minutes to spare...

Last week had been very busy, in a very crazy sort of way. Basically, extra work at work, doctors appointments, and I am without a car, so it meant walking everywhere. (good for the waistline, but not so good for time efficiency.) And Thursday night, when my Designed2Delight challenge was due, I hadn't even started. And I had a long list of phone calls to make.

Digital graphics comes easy to me. And so while talking on the phone, I put together last week's digital ATC. It was no big deal. Just filled the flowers in with the paint bucket tool. And the watering can was metal style Photoshop plug-in from Scrap Girls. Just before the midnight deadline, I got it uploaded.

You can see it here.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I tried...

I've made several attempts to write this post. From several different perspectives; and each time I just couldn't get my thoughts together in a meaningful manner.

Likewise, I've tried with this week's challenge from Designed2Delight Digi Shop. I've tried to put together what I thought was a cute idea, but in execution, it didn't quite work out the way I intended.

Nevertheless, the conditions of the challenge are to post your creation publicly. So here it is, for better or for worse: